
Purchases & Refunds

The payment will be accepted against your enrollment for courses. If you are facing any difficulty to complete your payment. Please send the screenshot of failed transaction to [email protected]

Any payment made towards the course enrollment is non-refundable. However, if you still claim that the payment was not done by you, please contact us.

You can use your coupon on the cart page or checkout page.

Making Courses

You can manage your account name from your "My Profile" section.

Please use the unsubscribe link in the email received. Else you can drop in an email to us and our team will update you as early as possible.

You can change your password from My Account session.

If You Have Any Questions You Can Call Me 24/7

Take the First Step

Whether you are a student, professional, or lifelong learner, Time2Pay welcomes you to embark on a journey of knowledge, discovery, and growth. Explore our diverse range of courses, connect with our vibrant community, and take the first step toward unlocking your full potential.


Forward Thinking

Plan and Learn

Actionable Content

You learn from the masters in the industry.


We help you with certifications and recommendations on Social Media

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